VR Tree

VR Tree.. Turning virtual reality into lived reality

The Stardust team, within the NASA’s Space Apps Challenge, created a fantastic solution to help rebuilding places affected by wars or natural disasters, the VR Tree platform.

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VR TREE.. Turning virtual reality into lived reality

The VR TREE is developing a collaborative platform which connects people from regions that need to be rebuilt with specialists capable of collaboration. The objective is reached with the use of virtual immersive interaction.

VR TREE seeks to answer 5 of the UN’s SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), including #11 Sustainable Cities. To get involved, just click our… CALL TO ACTION


Rebulding Syria - VRTree

A destroyed nation loses everything or almost everything. Its people, identity, history. The buildings have become ruins, dust among the little that remains of dignity. We have formed a knowledge base to rebuild destroyed cities in 3D. To rebuild Aleppo we need a crowdcreation. Through the power of virtual reality the possibilities are endless. Together we can bring peace and prosperity to the world.

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